Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I need another newspaper

Does anyone else notice the change in the last year since the Wall Street Journal sold it's soul to the Fox News Empire? In Friday's paper, first section, front page, was an article on... get this: Cilantro. I read it to see if it was going to mention the business of farming or relate it to other vegetable issues, foreign cultivation, or CO2 usage of resulting effects of flying veges across the continent. NO. The article was all about how there are some people who love and many vocal folks who hate cilantro so much they've created an on-line presence.


Not to be overlooked was the opinion article by Carl Rove last week on how he basically isn't to blame for an future problems with the economy. It reminded me a lot of Cheney's last interview - see John Stewart comments via this episode: (around minute 9:, you can also copy&paste: http://www.thedailyshow.com/full-episodes/index.jhtml?episodeId=217691 )

I was also a little confused by the article titled, "New Grid for Renewable Energy Could Be Costly" last week. It sure made a lot of pronouncements I would expect more from an 'opinion' article and showed very little research. It didn't even begin to explore the fact that renewable energy isn't necessarily 'extra' energy but perhaps 'instead of' energy currently generated by coal burning.

Did anyone notice last spring when the front page snipits talked about 'the chemical that contaminates milk'? Why couldn't that writer (or the editor?!) say: 'melamine'? At that writing, most readers of the WSJ and most people in the world were very informed about melamine and how it was being used all too often in China.

I understand that a new owner would want to make changes. I don't completely dislike all the color photos all over each section, but is it increasing readership? ..or simply justifying the extra pages I already feel guilty for loving reading a daily PAPER product, needed for all the extra advertising that didn't exist before? I could do with less advertising.

I'm dumbfounded and really disgraced by my WSJ. Who else reads the Journal? What other papers do you recommend that offer (relatively) unbiased news, less fluff, and good writing? What's my alternative? What papers do you read and why?

Monday, February 16, 2009


I decided to make cookies for myself and combined these wonderful ingredients to make quasi-macaroons. In hind sight I should have followed a recipe.

Because it would have been easier to eat them from the bowl.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

happy Valentine's day

Remember those little notes in highschool that were passed to you during class or on the sligh while you were standing at your locker? You know the ones with the boxes at the bottom you had to check?

This made me smile today.. especially because it's Valentine's.. and especially because of which box is checked.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

frozen blueberries

I just learned how to make jam in my bread machine last summer. It's so easy. I've made lots of both blueberry and peach jam this year from all the fruit we picked around town. Jam is one of my favorite things to add to my yogurt and since spying the four quarts of blueberries lying dormant in my freezer, I decided to make some winter jam with my summer blueberries from the midwest and the summer plums from Chile* I picked up at Alde's last week which are just starting to ripen. *We'll talk about this excessive use of carbon at another time.

Am I the only one with blueberries left from last summer? Maybe I should have kept this to myself..

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

why does it look..

.. like there's a hurricane forming over the midwest?

Monday's weather map:

Tuesday's weather map:
map later Tuesday afternoon.. twin swirling weather masses:
Doesn't it seem odd to you too? Is it 80 degree balmy weather from the Gulf that we're experiencing now funneled in through the swirling cloud-weather-system mass?

Doesn't it seem odd that in early February it's 60 degrees here while it's snowing in Seattle?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

ok, ok, how about 6 words?

So Powell's books beat me to this, only they one-up'd me by setting the limit to telling your life story in only 6 words. This is going to take more thought. Interesting how less words = more thought.. kind of in the same way listening > talking.

I'd love to hear your six word life story here and it can also be entered on Powell's website to enter their contest.

Try it..

Saturday, February 7, 2009

in 10 more words..

describe your current life.. it doesn't have to rhyme nor create a sentence. The 'and-s' and 'to-s' just use up your words. Perhaps you will delurk for this one?

My first try:

optimistic insecure outreaching adventure creativity romance introspection generous with myself

Thursday, February 5, 2009

in 10 words..

Describe your dysfunctional family in 10 words. Only ten.

First go:

Alone insecure anger frustration unwanted regretted pushed away not speaking

Second go:

Unwanted pregnancy forced marriage regret shame insecurity blame critical words

ok, now you try:

(sure, sure, we'll do an uplifting exercise next week.. try go with me on this one)

the edge of the world

I visited the edge of the world again yesterday.. many times in the last week actually as my boyfriend has decided it's pretty cool to go. I dig this, because it's one of my favorite things and I love to have him suggest it.

What you see is mostly snow over ice on the lake. We walked around on the bergs. Do we look warm enough? It was at least 18F with a colder windchill.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

inauguration relived

In celebration of this momentous occasion, I've dug out of the closet the dress my mom wore to Reagan's 1985 inaugural parties! Thank God I can fit in it.

in honor of the new President!


Sunday, January 18, 2009

my first dutch baby

So what the heck is a Dutch Baby? I had no idea until I saw a great looking piece of 'pie' and this recipe on a new website I came across. I added the apples but substituted soy milk. It looks ok, but not as grand as the recipe photo. Next time I'll use cow's milk, more apples - and will sugar/candy them prior to putting into the skillet.
I had a great afternoon with this baby though. I took it to a friend's house where we drank Lebanese coffee, ate fried egg with potato and zucchini with fresh avocado along with fun conversation.

Friday, January 16, 2009

a surprise sunny day

The great thing about where I live is that it's so fun because of all our choices of outdoor activities. Today was especially groovy because the sun has been shining all the day. Granted it's 15 degrees F outside and the windchill makes it feel like zero today but as long as you're moving, it's fine.

A friend enticed me to join her for a quick snow-shoe out at the lake.

These next four photos were taken in quick succession - mostly because this point is where the wind was at it's hardest, notice the sand swept snow. See how the shadow of the clouds changes in each photo.

view outside

I haven't left the house much in the last 60 hours.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I just got this scarf for Christmas - gorgeous isn't it?! I've left it draped over my sofa so I can look at it every day for when I'm not wearing it.

Monday, January 12, 2009

another day at the beach

I love how the beach looks a little different each day

then a few days later

that first day

the other day

Thursday, January 8, 2009

swimsuit season

Sure, it's a dreaded word met with an inner montage of beautifully skinny girls in bikinis frolicking on the beach and your own self image or perhaps unwanted photos of your butt bulging out from the lycra you bought last season too big to be displayed from under a wrap.

Don't despair.

Gwyneth Paltrow sent me a video today from her personal trainer. That's right.. She teaches 8 basic leg moves that engage your core and really work your butt and quad muscles. At least that's what's burning on me right now. Watch the video for your visual memory and print these steps to use everyday (or just visit me here at A Day In The Life).

All using a chair that is padded and one you can lift you leg over the back of.. do all 8 motions for a predetermined rep set on one leg, then switch to the other. I'm starting at ten, the trainer-chick says we should be doing 50 each. I'm starting at ten.

1. Standing behind the chair, swing leg @ hip up to chair, then back straight behind you so that the foot is up to hip level in front, then behind you.

2. Straighten leg behind with foot level with hip, pulse up, pulse diagonally to side

3. PliƩ feet facing outward, then kick leg back behind you so the foot is raised to hip level

4. Kneel on top of chair sideways and bend down to touch your hands to the floor. Swing leg up to the ceiling and back to kneeling position

5. Keep kneeling on chair, but take that same leg and point touch the floor, then side leg lift to ceiling.

6. Stand behind chair to your side. Lift leg straight behind you and pull/swing forward at hip level then kick back. Use back of chair as a guide to keep the leg/knee high when you pull it forward.

7. Facing back of chair, lift leg up and over so that foot rests on seat. Lift to the side and kick to side.

8. Kneel again, but on floor in front of the chair, with the chair behind you. Rest your leg on the top of the back of the chair. Pulse up to the ceiling.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2009

one more bag

I love this French toule

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

more bags

More bags, more hours of sewing.

a quick peek inside the bags shows cute little pockets tied with ribbon.. of course this idea was dreamt up when I ran out of zippers but still wanted to provide a little coupon/goodie pouch.

Of course I'm saving these two for me :) Had this been an official stitch gift I would have felt morally obliged to give Sara to match her birthday bag.. sorry Sara, but I love the fabric too! :~j

I've got a little more fabric, so we'll see if I'm still inspired in 2009.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Sometimes Christmas on a budget can be nice, for those on the receiving end especially. I enjoyed picking out these fabrics from my stash and creating the pattern using my Trader Joe's bags as a reference.

I used to be a part of a group of very creative women and we'd exchange presents each year along with a fabulous coordinated potluck dinner where the ground rules dictated that we spend only $6 or less on our gifts to each other; there once being 13 in our group! These were my favorite Christmases and gifts. I'd come home with 8 to 12 handmade gifts made especially for me. We'd each spend hours deciding what to make, often contemplating prototypes, then sometimes choosing colors specifically for each friend.

Alas, our group has fallen a part and though we all stay in touch, we don't celebrate like we used to. Note these photos were excitedly published prior to any ironing. These are round bags with 4 panel sides.

My cost?
Fabric: Free (paid long ago and hopefully on sale)
Zippers: $2.30 each
Handle cording: $0.80/yard I think.. each bag: $0.30

Bag costs:
$ 2.60 -my bank account cost this Christmas
$18.60 -had I purchased fabric & thread also
$ 1.99 -Trader Joe bag sale price
$ 1.49 -local grocery store reusable bag sale price

Fabricating tips:
  • Create pattern with newspaper for size desired
  • Use different color threads to match fabrics as desired. (note I didn't swap out my threads going for that rough hewn look.. but if your recipient wishes to use the bag for more than groceries, you might consider this.
  • Use as many panels around the bag as desired.. the more the merrier. Note that my original Trader Joe's bag had two.
  • Adjust circular bottom for final bag/tube shape when pinning
  • Sew the handle cording right with the fabric handle tube to save time. Granted it won't look as pretty, but remember.. this is a grocery bag.
  • Line the bag if you're so inclined, especially if recipient will use for alternative uses.

Monday, December 22, 2008

lake effect

Air temps 35 degrees less than the lake temperature = water vapor escaping into the air

Water vapor escaping in the air = lake effect snow

lake effect snow =

Friday, December 19, 2008

Merry Christmas!

or as they say in France, 'Mer-rie Krist-mous'!